Contract extension with reduced employment conditions?
July 31, 2020
We are increasingly hearing stories of how workers' rights are being restricted. Employees who need to get a new contract often receive a bad offer from their employer. Using the justification of “economic crisis”, employees are being forced to surrender wages, hours or other compensations.
The Pinnacle of these practices was a technical employment agency which dissolved temporary employment contracts just before a collective labor agreement increase and then came up with a follow-up featuring fewer allowances. In this way, they not only circumvented the mandatory collective labor agreement increase but also forced a lower wage for the temporary worker.
It is clear that this type of practice is unacceptable. If this happens to you, you should contact a union or lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you simply do not accept the new agreement, you retain the right to transition compensation.
For more information about your transition or severance payment, please visit our siteThere you will find the answers to many questions about this subject and you can read what rights you have as an employee. If you have problems claiming the transition payment, we can help you claim what you are entitled to.
We often use the term severance pay instead of the official term transition payment. This is because people will understand it more easily that way. Want to know more?
Alweer anderhalf jaar hebben we te maken met de WAS en de daarbij behorende transitievergoeding. Met de invoering in 2020 heeft deze ontslagvergoeding zijn intrede gemaakt. Toch blijkt keer op keer dat mensen deze regels erg lastig vinden en niet erg snappen. Veel werknemers waarvan de baan stopt, vergeten deze vergoeding bij hun vorige werkgever […]
I want my severance pay
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